Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Adopt the 5-30 Rule

If you work outside the house and are pressed for time in the moning, adopt the 5-30 rule to help you consistently step out in style with little fuss. Here's how it works:

Every weekend set aside 30 minutes to assemble 5 complete outfits -- clothing, accessories, shoes and bags -- for the coming week. Set aside a special place in your closet for you "next week" of clothes and place your 5 outfits there. (Be sure to check every item to be sure you didn't miss a spot, tear or missing button that needs attention before wearing.)

Having 5 outfits assembled and ready to go eliminates any guessing, last minute stress or returns to the closet for "something that looks better" when you are trying to get out the door.

The second part of the rule is that no one same combination of outfit components goes out the door a second time unless a minimum of 30 days has past since that combination last was worn. That eliminates falling back on "old faithful" in lieu of planning to step out in style.

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