Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Your Style Tool Kit

To help you set your style, be sure your style tool kit is complete. Here's what you need:

  • A full-length mirror. Always do a full-lengthy check, front to back, before stepping out the door.
  • Iron, ironing board and spray starch. Groan. I know, but many clothing items benefit from a brief starch, press and seam-setting -- it can be the simple thing that sets you apart from the crowd. And, sometimes, carefule as we may be, items coming from the closet need a touch-up. If that's not enough to convince you, ironing also can help your clothing hang properly.
  • Stain remover. Use it as quickly as possible after an accident.
  • Needle and thread. Remember. No safety pins, no missing buttons, and no saggy hems.
  • Lint brush.
  • Fabric refresher (Febreze or other brand). My clothing gets sprayed when it comes out of the closet as I assemble my weekly wardrobe on Sunday evening.

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