Tuesday, April 6, 2010

It's a Confidence Game

At least 95% of style is confidence. When you step out the door with your pulled-together look it's shoulders back, head up, butt and gut tucked in as much as possible, and a confident lady-like stride.

Pratice can help with the stride. All too often I see well-dressed women either teetering on heels, scuffing along in slides or (yikes!) flip-flops, or taking one big giant manly step where two lady-like steps would be more appropriate. Without telling my ago, when I was growing up I not only had to go to "finishing" classes to learn how to properly rise from a chair and remove my coat, I had to spend a bit of time gliding around a room with a book on my head. I still can hear my mother behind me admonishing me when my gait became too long.  All these year's later, I realize that the way my mother walked into a room is large part of the reason she was always a show-stopper.

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