Saturday, April 24, 2010

Head for the Alter

If having your clothing tailored or altered is not a part of your regular practices, don't overlook it as an imporant component of your style and your wardrobe activities.  As much as many of us would like to be able to pull pieces off the rack and have them fit perfectly and cling and hang in all the right places, the reality is that virtually none of us should expect that to happen.  Let's face it.  The models you see on magazine covers, runways, TV, etc., are airbrushed and pinned, taped and clipped together to get their looks of perfection.

If you don't have the skills to alter yourself, invest a bit of time to find someone who can help you make some minor and/or some major revisions to clothes in your closet that no longer fit and to new pieces that need a tweak to make them perfect additions for you.

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