Thursday, April 15, 2010

Print It

If you have been reluctant to incoporate prints into your daily wardrobe, now is the time to take the plunge. There is a wonderful array of prints out there -- ranging from bold to animal to dainty.  A print dress layered with a jacket is a wonderful look.  Ditto some of the great print patterned accessories.  Feeling a little emboldened?  Despite what you may have heard, prints can be mixed with other prints, ala Laura Ashley, and with other patterns, such as dots and stripes.  Just remember the basic rules.  Looking to play it safe?  Try selecting a print and pairing it with two separate pieces in different textures, each in a different color from the print. At the end, you are going for balance and when mixing unlike elements together only one thing can really dominate -- everything else plays a supporting role.

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